What if...
What if I try and learn this new technique but it doesn’t work… what if I try solving a problem by doing x but x isn’t the answer?… what if I just don’t get it?… what if I’m just wasting my time?…
Procrastination can be born out of anxiety and the limitless ‘What if…’ questions your brain throws at you when you want to do something new. I’ve wanted to do some new web related stuff for years now but every time I get into the mindset of the web, my anxiety kicks in again.
What if I build something that doesn’t work?… what if I build something the wrong way?… what if I build something that won’t work on my live server?… what if I build something that I don’t understand?…
So for years, I’ve watched friends learn, make, create and improve their skills with relative ease whilst I ponder and think about what I would build if I knew how to...
And really, I’ve been framing the whole ‘what if…’ question wrong...
What if I build something that works?… what if I try this new language and I love it?… what if I’m able to build something that can eventually turn into a way of earning some passive income to support my family?
It can be difficult to put a positive spin on your visions and aims when you’re asking those questions from a negative space. And I’m fast realising that I’m stuck in a perpetual circle.
I love (and always have loved) building things. Code & the web is a natural path that mix my passion for building things with my fascination with computers. Yet my mind has always clouded my vision with ‘what ifs...’ and similar negative barriers.
But I want to overcome these barriers. I want to put a positive spin on the way I frame my visions. I want to get back into code and my love for the web.
I know I have this same urge on an annual basis (and I may even blog about it from time to time) but this time I want to make it happen.
I don’t want to know the answer to ‘what if...’ but I do want to know the answer to ‘when I…’.
So the plan is to archive my old site and retain it for posterity. Start afresh, new content, new backend system, new design, new everything. Pick some stuff I want to learn and give it a go... whilst blogging about it at the same time. Hopefully writing about what I’m learning will help cement my knowledge.
I’ll start with some of the newer html & css bits that have become part of the modern day toolkit and roll these into the rebuild as I go… and then move onto JS. The modern language that has always alluded me.
Wish me luck!